Bold Colors!

By Kids, For Kids, Helps Kids, inspired by the plight of a child, seeks to engage teens to create playhouses for kids and donates the funds raised by raffling the playhouses to kid-oriented charities. The first such cause was Respite Care of Fort Collins. The inaugural whimsical playhouse was designed and built, largely from recycled and donated materials, by Rohan Goel. As a result of the project’s success, he established the By Kids, For Kids, Helps Kids foundation to involve other teens working together to benefit even more kids with special needs. 

How cool is this!  Love the fun colors and quirky shape.  I realize I'm a bit behind posting this one.  It appears to be way back from 2009, but there's nothing wrong with a little back tracking...right?  Check out By Kids, For Kids, Helps Kids for more information and pictures.  (There's even a picture of this tiny house being lifted by a crane).


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