
I started this blog simply as a way to organize the growing amount of information that I have collected over the years, but it has quickly taken on a life of its own. The carefree artist side of me wants to allow it to evolve as it may, but the architect in me is constantly looking for structure and order. (Imagine the conversations I have with myself). The mother part of me is very protective of the precious time I have with my child, and therefore must set some boundaries. With that being said, I am going to continue to sort through the information that I have and organize it in a way that will be helpful and inspiring to others. In addition to the old stuff, I will keep everyone updated on my current projects.

Post to look forward to include:
• Inspiring playhouse images
• Playhouse type overview (cardboard boxes, indoor spaces, tents, tiny houses, tree houses, & play structures)
• Playhouse furniture finds (tables, chairs, kitchen sets, etc.)
• Playhouse furniture: Before and after
• Stock you kitchen (play food and other fun stuff)
• Playhouse accessories
• Crafty DIY playhouse projects you can do with your child
• My sketchbook
• Book reviews
• Safety tips
• Educational articles
• Doll houses

I am also developing a website where you can purchase and download step by step playhouse plans.


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