Things to Consider: Style

Any architectural style can be incorporated into a playhouse, but some tend to be more common than others.

The following is a list of a few playhouse styles:
- Storybook
- Modern
- Petite Painted Ladies
- Kattywhompas
- Look at Me
- Club House
- Salvaged Shanty

These questions, along with the previous questions relating to function and location, will help you narrow down a look for your playhouse.

1. Does your child have any special interest that could translate into a theme? While themes are fun, it is important to not let the design become so specialized that there is no room for the imagination.
2. Do you have boys, girls, or both?
3. Do you want the paint to literally match your house, or do you want to select different colors that compliment your house? (Check neighborhood codes)
4. Are there any specific building materials that you prefer?

Check back for a more detailed look at each playhouse style.


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